Mar 13 - Cooee Backpackers Hostel, Vertigo Simulator Ride, Aquarium, Waterfront Restaurant

We woke up really wanting a shower. Our quest for a place to shower came up empty...we even tried sneaking into a hostel. We ended up checking into Cooee Backpackers Hostel. It was nice and we could shower and sleep fairly comfy. We went back, cleaned up the van, and took our stuff to the hostel. We also went to Backpacker's World and booked the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb for the next day. While Georgie went to the bank, I decided to try McDonald' was virtually the same as here(pretty bad)...though they have a McOz burger and the biggest cokes are 20ozs. Everyone I told this to couldn't believe that I would want more than that. We took the city train to Darling Harbour to check it out. The had a Vertigo Simulator ride(like Star Tours)...Georgie had never been on one, so we did it and it was a blast. Then we booked a Jet-Boat ride for the next day. We checked out the Aquarium which was nice, but a bit crowded. We walked to Hyde Park and Georgie took a run around the botanical gardens while I caught up 5 days worth of notes in my journal.

We took a quick walk through the gardens and past the Opera House in quest of food. We went to the info center and got a tip on restaurants. We went to the Waterfront Restaurant. It was a bit fancy, especially considering our dress(see below). We sat outside with the Harbour Bridge on one side and the Opera House on the other. Had a delicious seafood dinner. I had Barumundi Fish & was the best I'd ever had. We went back to the hostel to do laundry. Georgie went to bed before it was finished because it was getting late. I stayed up til 2am and got it done and I got a bunch of postcards written.

Georgie and I...a bit underdressed for the Waterfront Restaurant

Mar 12 | Mar 13 | Mar 14

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