Andrew's Movie Page
Andrew's Movie Page
Ever since I created my homepage years ago, I've been wanting to make a movie page. I've put it off because it seemed like too much to keep up, but I think I've come up with a compromise that will keep me from being overwhelmed, while getting started. Most people enjoy movies, but in college I started watching a lot. Over the years I've expanded my tastes which opened up even more movies for me to watch and I have a DVD collection that most would consider crazy. Recently I've been watching more than ever. For me movies are a way to escape, learn and have fun!

I've always been a fan of lists and stats, so I'm starting with that. Top Tens for each year, decade, and various categories. 4 Star Movies. And a list of recently viewed movies with ratings and a few lines about each movie. I'm not going to do full reviews because I think that would be too much to keep up with. Also I will do my best not to spoil any key parts of the movies. I'm mostly making this page for myself, family, friends...but anyone is welcome and I'm happy to take comments, suggestions, corrections, etc from anyone that's interested, just drop me an email.

My Movie Pages
Top Ten Lists
Alfred Hitchcock Movie Reviews
Recently Reviewed Movies
Movie Review Archive
4 Star Movies
The Worst Movies
DVD Page
My favorite movie sites
Top Ten Flix
Qwipster's Movie Reviews
Film Affinity
Rotten Tomatoes
The Numbers

Home | 2025 Andrew Nixon